Friday, April 4, 2008

When I was a teenager my greatest fear was being a single mom. For an entire decade I avoided getting pregnant at all possible costs in order to avoid it. Now at 32, not only am I a single mom, but I'm living in subsidized housing, and I'm on welfare and foodstamps. Part of me takes a step back and goes, "God, what has happened to my life?".

The truth is though, right now I'm happier then I've ever been before. There is absolutely nothing in the world like being the parent of a small toddler and having this beautiful little child always bright eyed and ready to spend time with me.

I decided to start this blog in order to get in touch with other single parents going through the same thing as me. I know I'm not the only one out here struggling to pay the bills, do the housework, and fufill the roles of both Mom and Dad. There's a lot of us going through it and we need to get support from wherever we can find it.

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