Monday, April 7, 2008

Strep Throat

I swear my son and I have gotten every illness possible this winter. Not only have we gotten your typical colds, but two months ago we first took turns with ear infections and then were out for a week each with the flu, which my son ended up compounding it with a sinus infection. After the flu I had really hoped that we were done for the season. Besides that all of these illnesses weren't exactly good for my grades. When you're taking things like Calculus and Discrete Math, missing a lesson or two can completely destroy your grades. So when my son came home on Friday with a fever I was dreading what the result might be. Gradually the fever seemed to be going away, but still he complained about various aches and pains. So since I was off today I took advantage of the opportunity to bring him into the doctor and he was diagnosed as having strep throat. Seriously, could my son possibly have more antibiotics in a two month period?

Now I'm just hoping and praying that I can avoid coming down with it myself, though the chances of that aren't very high. I managed to pull off B's in Calculus and Discrete Math last quarter, but I had to work like a madman to get caught back up. Now that I've started a new term I really don't want to have to do the same thing in Linear Algebra.

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