Last night I checked my messages around 11:00 pm, and found that my ex husband had called asking if I could drop my son off this morning at 10:00 a.m. Sure, I mean I have nothing else to do. It's not like I spent the last week cramming for a Calc II test that I was supposed to take at 10:00 this morning.
Now if this were a one time occurence I wouldn't make such a big deal about it, but it's not. It happens just about every week. So I sent an e-mail once again reminding him hat we had agreed on giving a week's notice for changes in parenting time and that I was actually doing him a favor by dropping our son off at all, since he was really supposed to pick him up at school.
The response I got? OK, seriously, this is an exact quote from the e-mail:
"you are not my HUSBAND to control me...........means you are woman ...so remain a lady or marry some guy remain a wife................otherwise you will have no life.............."
Some of you reading this may notice that this comment has nothing to do with our conversation, but that's rather typical of his responses. But seriously? So I'm expected to drive half an hour out of my way twice a week because I'm a woman? Yeah, we'll see how often I make that trip again.
Really though, he does have a point. Maybe I do need to find a husband in order for my life to be worthwhile. Since I want to make sure to find the right man I've adopted a new look for me and my son.
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